Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Education and economic development

Education is very important to encourage development of a country’s economy at a higher level. Hence, the basic factor of development is definitely education. Indeed, Education and economic development are closely associated. The increase of output from production is one of fundamental objective of economic progress. Hence, it involves the complex mechanization of industrial process, aimed ultimately at their full automization, the widest use of chemistry in national production, the development of new economically effective types of production, new types of energy and materials, full and rational use of natural resources, close co-operation between science and industry, the most rapid scientific and technical progress. All these demand that labour forces should continuously have higher and higher qualifications, that they should be trained, educated and used appropriately (K.G. Nozko, 1966). Thus, a continuous advance of the educational standard and the availability of a large number of specialists in all fields of the national economy is one of the most important conditions of a high rate of economic growth of our country. If we have a higher level education and skills, we can easily get a good job and improving our quality of life. It is a fact that education will improve the quality of people live and enabling each people to obtain what they needs. The most important, education will produce sufficient manpower for the development of a country. But, now the question is how about the quality of manpower that will be produced?